The Dopamines - Business Papers
Turkish Techno - Without You
American Lies - Glassbones
Gateway District - Waves & Cars
Rumspringer - Give Me A Fucking Vowel
Big Dick - Too Hot To Trot
FYP - Toss My Cookies
Radon - Facial Disobedience
The Slow Death - Opposite of Jessie's Girl
Jabber - Talk To You
Parasites - Find The Words To Tell You
Lipstick Homicide - Who Stole Molly's Bike?
Sharkpants - Past & Future
Hands Like Bricks - The Old Crowd
Gentlemen Prefer Blood -Rochester
Horror Squad - Walking Eagle(
The Steinways - (Nobody Wants To) Make Out (With Me Because I Wear Sweatpants)
Riverboat Gamblers - Victory Lap
Shellshag - Medley
Plow United - Westchester Rock City
Toys That Kill - Goodbye California